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Streamline your pottery process with our high-quality pugmills. Whether you're working with fresh or reclaimed material, our pugmills ensure a smooth, consistent texture, reducing waste and saving time in your studio. Browse our range and discover your ideal pugmill today

What Is a Pugmill and How Is It Used?

A pugmill is a machine used to mix and knead clay. It helps recycle and prepare clay by blending air and moisture into the material to make it consistent and ready for shaping. The clay is fed into the pugmill, where it is pushed through a set of augers or blades, breaking up lumps and ensuring an even texture. It's commonly used in pottery studios and industrial clay production.

Can a Pugmill Be Used with Other Materials Besides Clay?

While pugmills are primarily designed for clay, they can also be used to mix other materials like food, pharmaceuticals, and even some types of soil, depending on the design and specifications of the machine.

Can a Pugmill Be Used to Recycle Clay?

Yes, pugmills are ideal for recycling clay as they efficiently reclaim leftover clay scraps, re-moisten it, and remove air pockets. This makes it easy to reuse old clay, saving both time and material costs while ensuring the recycled clay is of consistent quality.

Should I Use a Pugmill Instead of Kneading Clay by Hand?

Using a pugmill offers several advantages over hand kneading. A pugmill can quickly and consistently mix large quantities of clay, saving time and labour. Furthermore, a pugmill ensures a uniform texture and moisture content in the clay, which is harder to achieve by hand.

Why Choose Potclays?

At Potclays, we are an authorised retailer of Peter Puggs and Shimpo pugmills. These pugmills are constructed with strength in mind, making preparing clay easy and efficient. If you have any questions about our range of pugmills, please contact us.

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